Setting Up a Key with a Keycafe Fob

In this article:

About Keycafe Fobs and Why We Use Them

The Keycafe system requires each set of keys to be scanned during a drop off, except when using key codes. This ensures Keycafe knows who and which set of keys is being dropped off and can accurately track and maintain logs of all key exchanges. Keycafe fobs contain a unique identifier that is scanned at the SmartBoxes using NFC technology. Setting up a fob is required for each key (unless you're using key codes) and links your physical key with a Keycafe tracking fob, and to the digital representation of the key in your account.


Linking a Fob to a Key


If you have a small number of keys, you can link fobs to each key individually.

  1. Create a key in your account for each key you will be setting up.
  2. Select keys in your account dashboard and find the key you'd like to link a fob to.
  3. Select Set up Key with Fob.
  4. Select View the advanced setup options.
  5. Enter the serial number of an unused fob.
  6. Select Link.
  7. Continue this process for all of your keys.

Bulk Key Uploads

If you have a large number of keys, you can upload them quickly with a .csv file containing all your key names to simplify the process. See Bulk Key Uploads for details.


Inviting Someone Else to Link a Fob to a Key


If you would like to invite a staff member or customer to set up a key with a fob at the SmartBox without giving them admin permissions, you can use the Invite Key Setup feature. This will create a booking for the user and provide them with a code that can be used to set up the key with a fob.

A Note About the Invite Key Setup Feature

The user you invite to set up the key does not need to have a Keycafe account, and your SmartBox must have a fob bin with at least one unused fob available.

  1. Create a key in your account.
  2. Select keys in your account dashboard and find the key you'd like to link a fob to.
  3. Select Set up Key with Fob.
  4. Select View the advanced setup options.
  5. Under Invite Key Setup, select Create.
  6. Select the location you'd like the user to set up the key at.
  7. Enter the user's name.
  8. Select whether you'd like to notify the user by email or SMS, then enter either their email address or phone number. Make sure the phone number's country code is correct.
  9. Select the start and end date/time. This is the time frame the user will be able to set up, pick up, and drop off the key.
  10. Once complete and you've confirmed all details are correct, select Add.
  11. The user can now go to the SmartBox and set up the key. See How to set up keys with a Keycafe fob using the SmartBox for details.


Viewing/Editing the Fob Serial Number

You can check that your keys are linked to a fob and check the identity of that fob in your account. See Managing Keys for detailed instructions.

How Many Items on One Keychain?

Due to the limited space inside the SmartBox bins, please keep a maximum of three keys attached to any Keycafe fob. We may not be able to store your key chain set if it is excessively large.

Bin Door Jams

Please note that excessively large set of keys can result in the bin doors becoming stuck. This could prevent your staff or visitors to pick up keys. Please register two fobs and store keys separately if the key set is too large for a SmartBox bin.


Need a New Fob? Unlinking and Changing the Keycafe Fob

If you lose a fob from a set of keys or your set of keys has been lost, you can attach a new Keycafe fob and retain the existing accesses and history.
  1. Select Keys
  2. Select the Key with the lost fob.
  3. Select About Key.
  4. Select the Edit button.
  5. Select Fob Serial #.
  6. Select the Unlink button.
  7. Select the Save button to confirm your changes.
  8. Follow the steps to link a new fob.

If you already acquired a new Keycafe fob, you can directly link your keys to the new fob by entering the new serial number in the Fob Serial # field in accordance with the same steps above in this article.


Lost Keys

The fob allows your keys to remain anonymous so if they are lost there is no identifying information on the keys themselves.

Lost and Found

We have many happy stories from customers who have had their lost keys returned. Our faith in humanity is stronger than ever as many people who find keys on the street contact Keycafe and we are able to assist getting keys with a Keycafe fob attached back to the key owner.

If you are certain that a set of keys has been permanently lost follow the same steps for lost fob to replace that set of keys with new ones to retain the accesses and history.

To learn more, visit Managing Keys.

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