Managing a Booking

In this article:

Editing a One-Time Booking

  1. Log into your Keycafe account.
  2. From the left side menu, select Bookings. You will be provided with a list of your visitors.
  3. Select the booking that you would like to modify.
  4. Select About Booking.
  5. Select Edit.
  • Select Start Date or End Date to change the day or time of your visitor's access.
  • Enable the Return Key Reminder to have Keycafe send an email or SMS message to the visitor on the day their access expires.
  • Select Update to save any changes made to the access.

Access End Date

The end date and time of the access is the time at which the visitor will no longer be able to pickup your keys at a SmartBox. However, they will still be able to drop the keys off at any SmartBox after the end date and time have expired.


Copying One-Time Booking Details

You are able to copy the booking details to send directly to your visitors.

  1. Log into your Keycafe account.
  2. From the left side menu, select Bookings. You will be provided with a list of your visitors.
  3. Select the booking that you would like to share details about.
  4. Select About Booking.
  5. Select the copy icon next to the "Booking Code" number to only copy the booking code.
  6. Select the copy icon next to the "Booking URL" link to only copy the URL.
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Copy Details" to copy access details such as the name of the key, access time and date, booking code, and URL.


Revoking a One-Time Booking

To revoke one-time booking:

  1. Log into your Keycafe account.
  2. From the left side menu, select Bookings. You will be provided with a list of your visitors.
  3. Select the access that you would like to revoke.
  4. Select About Booking.
  5. Select Edit.
  6. Select Revoke Access.


Customizing a One-Time Booking Code and When It's Sent

Codes for one-time bookings can be customized using Alias Codes, which are part of the Keycafe API.

Alias Codes also enable booking codes to be created and sent to the user before an actual booking is created. Once a booking is created, the Alias Code is then linked to the booking.

This is useful for businesses like car rental and hotels that have many similar vehicles or rooms, and it is not decided until the day of arrival which key should be given. Using Alias Codes, the customer can still receive their code ahead of their booking date without the business committing to a particular vehicle or room.

See Alias Code in our API Reference for more information.


Resending One-Time Booking Instructions

To resend access instructions to your visitors:

  1. Log into your Keycafe Dashboard.
  2. From the left side menu, select Bookings. You will be provided with a list of your visitors.
  3. Select the access to modify.
  4. Select About Booking.
  5. Select Resend Access Instructions. The access instructions will be sent to your visitor. Please note that the notification will be sent through the same initial method of communication.

Resending Access Instructions is Available After 1 Hour

Please note that the access instructions can be resent 1 hour after the access was created or it was resent.


Copying Ongoing Access Details

To copy the details of an ongoing access:

  1. Log into your Keycafe account.
  2. Select Keys on the left side menu.
  3. Select the key with the ongoing access for which you want the details copied. Select See Visitors.
  4. From the visitors list, select the access that you want to copy.
  5. Select the copy icon next to the "Booking Code" number to only copy the booking code.
  6. Select "Copy Details" to copy access details such as the name of the key and booking code.


Revoking an Ongoing Access

To revoke an ongoing access:

  1. Log into your Keycafe account.
  2. Select Keys on the left side menu.
  3. Select the key for which you want the ongoing access revoked and select See Visitors.
  4. From the visitors list, select the one that you want their access revoked.
  5. Select Edit.
  6. Select Revoke Access


Resending Ongoing Access Instructions

To resend ongoing access instructions:

  1. Log into your Keycafe account.
  2. Select Keys on the left side menu.
  3. Select the key with the ongoing access for which you want to resent instructions.
  4. From the visitors list, select the visitor you want to resent intersections to.
  5. Select Resent Access Instructions.

Resending Access Instructions is Available After 1 Hour

Please note that the access instructions can be resent after 1 hour since the access was created or it was resent.

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