In this article:
- Dismount Your SmartBox
- Keycafe Team Control
- The Screen is All White or Not Working
- A Bin with Keys Inside Won't Open
- A Bin Without Keys Inside Won't Open
- You Need to Remove All Keys from Your SmartBox
- During a Key Pickup, a Bin was Closed without Removing the Key
- A Key was Returned into a Bin without Being Dropped Off in the App
- Dismount your SmartBox or Retrieve Keys During an Outage
Dismount Your SmartBox
Dismounting is the process of removing the SmartBox from the backplate that is screwed into a wall. You may need to do this when troubleshooting or if you simply want to move the SmartBox to a new location.
- Log in to Keycafe desktop or on mobile.
- Select SmartBoxes.
- Select the name of the SmartBox you'd like dismount.
- Select Troubleshoot.
- Select Dismount SmartBox.
- Select One-Touch Unlock.
- Tap the flashing button on the SmartBox and you should hear a "click" of the lock retracting.
- Lift the SmartBox up and off the backplate.
Keycafe Team Control
If you encounter a persistent issue with your SmartBox, Keycafe support staff can provide remote support. By default, Keycafe staff do not have access to control your SmartBox, but you can temporarily authorize control over your system.
- Log in to Keycafe desktop or on mobile.
- Select Locations on desktop or More then Private Locations on mobile.
- Select the name of the location with the issue.
- Select the link icon of the SmartBox you'd like to authorize remote support for.
- Select About SmartBox.
- Toggle Keycafe Team Control to Enabled.
- Select how long you'd like to authorize temporary control for.
Your Keycafe support rep can now help you with remote troubleshooting. Contact Keycafe Support here. You can manually disable this access at any time by toggling Keycafe Team Control back to Disabled.
Control for expansion SmartBoxes
If the issue is with an expansion SmartBox, please enable Keycafe Team Control for both the base unit and the expansion unit.
The Screen is All White or Not Working
Press the small black button on the console to reset the system, then try using the screen again.
A Bin with Keys Inside Won't Open
The most common cause of a jammed bin door is a large set of keys or fobs being forced into the bin. This pushes against the bin door from the inside, making it hard for the bin to unlock. You will need to go to the SmartBox and press on the door while unlocking.
- At the SmartBox, press firmly on the bin door that won't open.
- While the door is pressed in, perform a key pickup, or manually open the bin.
- You should hear a click. Let go of the door and it should open up.
- Remove the keys inside and close the bin door.
A Bin Without Keys Inside Won't Open
If the bin is empty and does not open, the two most common causes and solutions are:
- The hinge and/or solenoid are jamming. Try applying WD40 or a similar lubricant to the hinge and solenoid areas.
- The SmartBox is mounted on a wall that is not vertically plumb. Since the bins rely on gravity to open, try tilting the SmartBox downwards and readjusting the backplate mount to a slight downward angle.
You Need to Remove All Keys from Your SmartBox
In the troubleshooting section of your SmartBox, you can open all bins at once. Once you have physically removed all keys from their bins, you will need to remove them from bins in the app as well.
- Log in to Keycafe desktop or on mobile.
- Select SmartBoxes.
- Select the name of the SmartBox you'd like to open all bins for.
- Select Troubleshoot.
- Select Open All Bins, then One-Touch Open All.
- Press the flashing button on the SmartBox and all bins will start opening one by one. Once all bins have opened, you can physically remove the keys.
- Back in the menu for your SmartBox, select Key Bins.
- Select the icon on the right of all occupied bins to remove the key.
During a Key Pickup, a Bin was Closed without Removing the Key
When a user initiates a key pickup at a SmartBox, the bin containing the key being accessed will automatically open. If the user accidentally closes the bin door before taking the key out, the software will still assume the key was taken out and mark the bin as empty.
First, you will need to find out which bin the key was in. Then, the bin will need to be manually opened to retrieve the key.
Find the Bin the Key was in
- Log in to Keycafe desktop or on mobile.
- Select Keys.
- Select the Key needing to be removed.
- Select See History.
- The latest event will show which bin the key was dropped off in. Make note of the bin number.
Manually Open the Bin
- Select SmartBoxes.
- Select the name of the SmartBox you'd like to open the bin for.
- Select Key Bins.
- Select the unlock icon on the right of the bin containing the key, then select One-Touch Open.
- Press the flashing button on the SmartBox and the bin will open, allowing you to remove the key.
A Key was Returned into a Bin without Being Dropped Off in the App
This can happen if a bin was left open by a previous user after a key pickup, and a second user dropping off a key places a key in the open bin. This will result in the key bin marked as empty and the key showing as still checked out.
You will first need to find out which bin was used, and if you are not near the SmartBox, make sure the bin is temporarily disabled to prevent it from being used in another key dropoff. If you are unable to find out which bin was used, you can open all bins and find the key in a bin marked as empty as a last resort. Once you have the key, you can initiate a dropoff.
Find out Which Bin was Used
If the user who accidentally placed the key in the open bin is still at the SmartBox, they may know which bin was used. See this diagram for a detailed view of how bins are numbered. If you know which bin was used, start from step 6.
- Log in to Keycafe desktop or on mobile.
- Select Locations on desktop or Private Locations on mobile.
- Select the name of the Location where the SmartBox is located.
- Select See History.
- In the log of SmartBox events, you will need to find the event for the key pickup during which the bin was left open. Most of the time this will be the most recent key pickup. Make note of the bin number.
Protect the Bin
Placing a key bin under protected or disabled status means the system will not open that bin when users drop off keys, and keys will not be able to be picked up from that bin. See instructions.
Manually Open the Bin
- Select SmartBoxes.
- Select the name of the SmartBox you'd like to open the bin for.
- Select Key Bins.
- Select the unlock icon on the right of the bin containing the key, then select One-Touch Open.
- Press the flashing button on the SmartBox and the bin will open, allowing you to remove the key.
- If you placed the bin under protected status, you can now return it to enabled status. See instructions.
Drop Off the Key
Once you've recovered the key, you can perform an actual dropoff. If the user is still at the SmartBox, they can drop it off themselves using the method you have set. If the user has left, you can initiate a manual drop off by first opening an empty bin, then placing the key inside and logging the dropoff in the app.
Dismount your SmartBox or Retrieve Keys During an Outage
If SmartBoxes go offline due to signal strength issues, power outages, or network outages, you can still dismount your SmartBox or retrieve the keys locked inside.
Using Offline Codes
If your SmartBox has lost internet connection but still has power (either plugged in or on backup battery), you can utilise offline codes to open specific bins or remove the SmartBox from the wall.
Using the Failsafe
Failsafe Availability on Your SmartBox
This failsafe feature is available on both base and expansion SmartBoxes purchased around or after August 2022. Look for a rubber plug covering a hole near the top of the right side of your MS4 or MS3 SmartBox, and at the top right of the front side of your MS5 SmartBox. In rare cases, your MS4 may have a hole but no failsafe device. If there is no hole, your unit does not have the failsafe device.
The failsafe feature is a last-resort measure that enables you to unlock the wall-mount lock when your SmartBox has lost power or is not responding. It uses your smartphone's flash to transmit a code to a sensor near the top of the right side of your SmartBox. The sensor is an independent module with its own power supply, so it works even when all other electronics have failed.
You will need to have already set up the SmartBox as part of a private location and see it in the list of SmartBoxes in your app. Some older smartphones (eg. iPhone 7 and older) may have issues transmitting the flash code.
- Remove the rubber plug at the top of the right side of your SmartBox using your finger or pliers. Newer SmartBoxes will have a ribbon attached to the plug - hold the ribbon firmly and pull it out tot activate the failsafe battery.
- Log in to the Keycafe mobile app.
- Select More.
- Select SmartBoxes.
- Select the SmartBox you'd like to unlock using the failsafe.
- Select Troubleshoot.
- Select Trigger Failsafe.
- Select Ready and align your phone's flash half an inch from the hole while the failsafe triggers the flash code. If you do not hear the "click" of the lock retracting, select Try Again and realign the flash with the hole.
- Once you hear the lock retract, remove the SmartBox from the backplate by lifting it up.
- Place the rubber plug back in the hole to conserve the failsafe battery.