Fleetio Integration

In this article:

Premium Feature

Integrations are a feature only available to users on the Premium and Business Pro plans.


What Does the Integration Do?

By integrating your Fleetio account with Keycafe, you can quickly associate your entire Fleetio vehicle inventory with each vehicle’s key in Keycafe. When a vehicle is assigned to a driver in Fleetio, a unique booking PIN code for the key is automatically created in Keycafe and access instructions are sent to the driver. The driver will then use the PIN code to retrieve the vehicle's key at the SmartBox. Bookings for Fleetio vehicle keys will appear in Keycafe with a Fleetio indicator, and the Keycafe key access instructions and code are shown in the vehicle assignment in Fleetio.

After the initial setup, this integration allows for management and automation of vehicle assignments using just Fleetio.

Driver Access Codes

By default, the booking PIN code is different for every vehicle assignment, regardless of who the assigned driver is. If you'd prefer individual drivers to always use the same code, contact your Success Manager or our customer support team and we will enable that feature.

Alternatively, drivers with Keycafe accounts can use their access code to retrieve vehicle keys they have been assigned instead of using the booking PIN code each time.



How to Set Up the Integration

Setting up your Fleetio and Keycafe integration involves retrieving 3 tokens from your Fleetio account, then linking your accounts and testing the integration.


Retrieving the Fleetio API Key, Account Token, and Webhook Secret Key

We recommend that you copy and paste each of these into a temporary document, in preparation for the next step.


Create a New API Key in Fleetio

An API key enables a third-party system to connect and permit data transfers. You’ll need to generate an API key in Fleetio that will become part of the configuration of the integration with Keycafe. 

  1. Log in to your Fleetio account, select your account name at the top-left of the page, then select Account Settings.


  1. Select Manage API Keys.


  1. Select + Add API Key.


  1. Type in "Keycafe" for the Label and then click Generate API Key. You should see the new API Token in the table.



Get your Fleetio Account Token

An account token is the primary identifier for a third-party system in an API integration and pairs with the API key for complete identification. The Fleetio account token is found in the API Keys page in your Fleetio account settings.

In the Account Tokens section, copy the account token in its entirety and paste it into the same temporary document in which you put the API key. You will need to add this account token in the Keycafe integration configuration.



Create a Fleetio Webhook

A webhook gives you the ability to send an HTTP POST to one or more URLs whenever specific types of events occur in your Fleetio account. All Fleetio webhook events contain data serialized as JSON.

  1. Log in to your Fleetio account, select your account name at the top-left of the page, then select Account Settings.


  1. Select Webhooks.


  1. In the upper-right corner of the page, select + Add Webhook.


  1. On the New Webhook page, copy and paste the following into the URL field:
  1. Enter “Keycafe" for the Description.


  1. Click Select Events, then scroll to the bottom of the page and check each of these boxes: Vehicle Assignment Created, Vehicle Assignment Deleted, and Vehicle Assignment Updated. Click Save.


  1. Back on the Webhooks page, click the small actions button for the new Webhook to display a popup menu and then click View Secret.


  1. Copy the secret key in its entirety and paste it into your temporary document—which also contains the API key and account token.


There should now be three items in your temporary document: the API key, the account token, and secret key. You will add these to your Keycafe account settings.



Link Your Fleetio Account With Your Keycafe Account

Configuring the integration in Keycafe primarily involves adding the three identifiers captured in the task described above.

  1. Login to your Keycafe account.
  2. In the upper-left corner, select + Add.
  3. Select Integration.
  4. Select Fleetio.
  5. Enter the API key, the account token, and secret key from your temporary document.


  1. Select Connect with Fleetio. After a few moments, click on the Integrations tab in Keycafe to see the integration.


Custom Fields

Next, you need to add three custom fields in your Fleetio system settings.

  1. Navigate to your Fleetio Account Settings page and locate the Custom Fields menu item in the System Settings section of the left-side menu.


  1. Select + Add Custom Field in the upper-right corner of the page. On the New Custom Field page, set Record Type to be Vehicle Assignment, and set Data Type to be Text.
  2. Select the Save Custom Field button to create the custom field.


  1. Repeat the steps above to create two more custom fields. The aim is to create these three custom fields:

Record Type

Data Type


Vehicle Assignment


Keycafe Access Instructions

Vehicle Assignment


Keycafe Access Link

Vehicle Assignment


Keycafe Access Code


To view the custom fields in Fleetio settings, navigate to the Custom Fields page and—in the Record Type drop-down—choose Vehicle Assignment in the drop-down menu.



Using the Integration

To begin using the integration, you must associate keys you've added in Keycafe to vehicles added in Fleetio. Once a vehicle has an associated key, you can begin creating vehicle assignments in Fleetio and key access instructions will be automatically sent to the driver.


Associate a Keycafe Key with a Fleetio Vehicle

Adding Keys to Keycafe

You will need to add your vehicle keys to the Keycafe system before proceeding with linking a key to a Fleetio vehicle. See Adding a Key.

  1. The Integrations tab in Keycafe should now contain an item for the integration. Click on that item to display the Vehicles and About menus.


  1. To view a list of your Fleetio vehicles, click Vehicles to browse the list on the right side.
  2. Choose a vehicle and click the key icon.


  1. Type in the name of your Keycafe key for that vehicle and select it from the dropdown list.


  1. Select Link to confirm that you want to link this key to this vehicle.
  2. You can choose Automatic or Prompt, which will change how a user is notified when they are assigned a vehicle. Most users should choose Automatic for the simplest workflow. Click Update to close the popup window.


Notification Methods


When a vehicle assignment is created in Fleetio, an email is automatically sent to the driver with instructions on how to access the keys. This enables the entire process to be completed using only the Fleetio dashboard.



When a vehicle assignment is created in Fleetio, the Keycafe account admin is sent an email with a reminder to create the key access. This allows for customization of the key access details and instructions, but requires using both Fleetio and Keycafe to complete the process.

Changing Notification Method

You can change between automatic and prompt at anytime by selecting the gear icon next to the vehicle's linked key.


Create a Vehicle Assignment Using the Automatic Setting

  1. When creating a vehicle assignment in Fleetio, you will see three empty fields for Keycafe Access Instructions, Keycafe Access Link, and Keycafe Access Code. Leave these blank - they will be automatically populated after the assignment is created.


  1. Once the assignment is created, view the details to see the populated values for Keycafe Access Instructions, Keycafe Access Link, and Keycafe Access Code. Sometimes this can take a few minutes to populate.


  1. The assignment will also appear in the Bookings tab in Keycafe.



Create a Vehicle Assignment Using the Prompt Setting

  1. When creating a vehicle assignment in Fleetio, you will see three empty fields for Keycafe Access Instructions, Keycafe Access Link, and Keycafe Access Code. Leave these blank - they will be populated after the key access is created in Keycafe.


  1. Once the vehicle assignment is created in Fleetio, find that vehicle within the Fleetio integration in Keycafe and select the calendar icon.


  1. You will see the vehicle assignment dates as a reservation. Select the + icon.


  1. Confirm the details of the assignment and select Create Booking.


  1. Customize the booking details as you wish and confirm it by selecting Add.


  1. Navigate to the Bookings tab in Keycafe to confirm. The assigned driver will receive an email or SMS (depending on the contact method you just selected) with instructions for how to access the key.



Disconnecting Your Fleetio Account

  1. In your Keycafe dashboard, select Integrations > Fleetio > About Integration > Disconnect.
  2. Click Disconnect to confirm.
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